BOD Bottles with Penny Robotic Stopper

BOD Bottles with Penny Robotic Stopper







Item Code Capacity (ml) Number Sequence Stopper Pack of
Qty Enquiry
GPS2844530160 Unnumbered Robotic1
GPS28445301A60 1 to 36 Robotic36
GPS28445301B60 37 to 72 Robotic36
GPS28445301C60 73 to 108 Robotic36
GPS28445502300 Unnumbered Robotic1
GPS28445502ABar Coded 300 1 to 24 Robotic24
GPS28445502BBar Coded 300 25 to 48 Robotic24
GPS28445502CBar Coded 300 49 to 72 Robotic24
GPS28445502DBar Coded 300 73 to 96 Robotic24
GPS28445502EBar Coded 300 97 to 120 Robotic24
GPS28445502FBar Coded 300 121 to 144 Robotic24
GPS28445502GBar Coded 300 145 to 168 Robotic24
GPS28445502HBar Coded 300 169 to 192 Robotic24
GPS28445502IBar Coded 300 193 to 216 Robotic24
GPS28445502JBar Coded 300 217 to 240 Robotic24
GPS28445502KBar Coded 300 241 to 264 Robotic24
GPS28445502LBar Coded 300 265 to 288 Robotic24
GPS28445502MBar Coded 300 289 to 312 Robotic24
GPS28445502NBar Coded 300 313 to 336 Robotic24
GPS28445502OBar Coded 300 337 to 360 Robotic24
GPS28445502PBar Coded 300 361 to 384 Robotic24
GPS28445502QBar Coded 300 385 to 408 Robotic24
GPS28445502RBar Coded 300 409 to 432 Robotic24
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